It is a floating system. The upper deck of it can be used as hotel, café, restaurant, as well as for other activities. The energy produced in the system can be used for the activities on upper deck and acc. to the size of the plant, can also be transmitted to the shore to sell there locally or to feed the interconnected system.
Small sized applications for housing, hotels, hospitals and greenhouses.
Medium sized applications for housing complexes, holiday villages, small towns, heating and warm water supply applications.
To supply cheap energy for industrial areas, cement works, steel industry.
In topographically suitable regions it will serve also as a breakwater to create safer harbours.
The cheap energy it produces will reduce the energy input of the producing industry, thus it will create competitiveness.
Since the this energy can be used in heating of houses in big cities this will help to reduce pollution. In the countries like Turkey where the population is concentrated on the shores, the loss in energy transmission lines will be minimized since the distance is minimum etween the wave energy plant and the shore.
If the wave energy plants are connected to the national interconnected energy system, this will cause less usage of other energy sources. Even it is possible to pump the water back on hydroelectric dams during high production of wave energy – less consumption periods, i.e. storing the energy will be possible.
All countries that have shores and all islands are natural customers for the system.
METİN ÇOKAN Enerji Turizm İnşaat Makine Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd.Şti.